Mock Exam Preparation
Seniors: All this week we are going to prepare you for next Tuesday's Mock Exam.
It consists of a full Paper 1 and a full Paper 2, which is two essays. The total time you will be testing is 2:40 minutes.
Please have the following information listed below ready for Tuesday's class.
I highly suggest you create a GDoc folder titled, "Mock Exam Materials." Put it under your history folder.
1. FIND all of the study materials you had gathered for last fall's Mock I.B. Paper 2 exam and this January's Mid-Term Exam.
Please take the time to gather these so we can go over dictatorships the next couple of days.
2. ASK QUESTIONS: Also, as you go through this material, please create a document titled, "Questions," and write questions that you have for me or for your peers.
3. Feel free to SHARE materials with your peers. The more the merrier test takers :)
I'll see you Tuesday.
Rise of Stalin
For details regarding the rise of Stalin, rely on your SPS - Stalin document. This will help you outline the three major categories of The Leader, the historical context, and the elimination of the opposition.
Rule of Stalin
In addition to his rise, be familiar with Stalin’s economic policies once he gained power in 1928.
- Collectivization
- Five-Year Plans (to 1939)
- Gulag System
- Great Purges
- Great Terror
Rise and Rule of Adolf Hitler
For details regarding the rise and rule of Adolf Hitler, rely on the SPS document I’ve shared with you as well as your notes and documents. This will help you outline the three major categories of The Leader, the historical context, and the elimination of the opposition. These notes will also help you outline your notes for any rule questions.
Specific events / terms you'll need to define:
Rise of Stalin
- War Communism
- New Economic Policy
- Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
- Politburo
- Cheka
- Sovnarkom
- "Socialism in one country"
- "Permanent revolution"
- Lenin's "Ban on factions" (1921)
- Nomenklatura system
Rule of Stalin
- Kulaks
- Kolkhoz
- Gosplan
- Examples of major showpiece projects
- Stakhanoivites
- Effect of the murder of Sergei Kirov
- “Kirov Flood”
- Great Terror
- 17th Congress ("Congress of the Condemned")
- "Old Bolsheviks"
- Trial of the Sixteen, Seventeen, and Twenty-one (Show Trials)
- Trotskyites and/or Rightists
- 1936 Constitution
- Cult of Personality
Rise of Adolf Hitler
- Spartacus League
- Freikorps
- “November Criminals”
- “Stab in the back”
- Treaty of Versailles
- Diktat
- Reparations
- Weimar Republic
- Weimar Constitution Weaknesses
- Proportional Representation
- Article 48
- Hyperinflation Crisis
- Great Depression
- SA ("Brownshirts")
- NSDAP (Nazi Party - far right)
- SPD (Moderate - left of center)
- KPD (Communist - far left)
- Jan. 30, 1933 (Date Hitler's "Rise" ends)
Rule of Adolf Hitler
- Reichstag Fire
- Enabling Act
- "Night of the Long Knives"
- SS
- Methods of Rule
- Volksgemeinschaft
- Gestapo
- Triumph of the Will
- Hitler Youth
- Four-Year Plan
- Mother's Cross
- Strength Through Joy (Workers’ program)
- Volkswagen Beetle
- Reich Entailed Farm Law
- Kristallnacht "Night of Broken Glass"
- Foreign Policy
- Anschluss
- Annexation of Czechoslovakia
- Nazi-Soviet Pact
- Appeasement
Specific people you might need to identify:
Rise of Lenin
- Karl Marx
- V.I. Lenin
- Leon Trotsky
Rise and Rule of Stalin
- Joseph Stalin
- Felix Dzerzhinsky
- Nikolai Bukharin
- Sergo Ordzhonikidze (Commissar of Heavy Industry)
- Alexei Stakhanov
- Sergei Kirov
- Lazar Kaganovich (Commissar of trains and Moscow Metro)
- Genrikh Yagoda (NKVD chief; started Gulags)
- Nikolai Yezov (“The Bloody Drawf”; NKVD official in charge at height of Purges)
- Mikhail Tukhachevsky (Marshall of Soviet Union; secret military trial; his execution sparked massive purge of Red Army officials prior to WWII.)
Rise and Rule of Adolf Hitler
- Rosa Luxemburg
- Freidrich Ebert
- Walter Rathenau
- Gustav Stresemann
- Paul von Hindenberg
- Kurt von Schleicher
- Franz von Papen
- Adolf Hitler
- Josef Goebbels
- Rudolf Hess
- Heinrich Himmler
- Albert Speer
- Ernst Rohm
- Hermann Goering
- Leni Reifenstahl
Paper 2 Questions
For the Paper 2 essays you will have to answer two questions. You will have to choose one question from each of the two topics shown below. There will be three questions in each topic to choose from. Use the information above to help develop a study guide / outline. (90 minutes)
You will also be required to produce a quality outline prior to writing your essay.
Rise and Rule of Single-Party States
See the notes that I’ve shared with you.
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